4310 W. 5th Street, Santa Ana, CA 92703; Phone:714-383-9833
Email: thichminhngoc@yahoo.com
A letter of Invitation for the Retreat of June, 2023
Dear Sangha and Dharma friends,
We would like to invite everyone to join us for the upcoming one week intensive Huatou Meditation Retreat. Starting from June 10th to June 16th, 2023. It is a great opportunity for both the experienced and beginning practitioners.
The practice focuses on Huatou meditation which awakens our transcendent wisdom (prajna) and allows ourselves to be free from attachments and sufferings.
The one-week retreat for those who want to go deeper into the practice. We fully understand practitioners who couldn’t commit for the entire week so we welcome you to join us any days that you could commit to the practice.
Please call or email us to make a reservation in advance which will help us prepare and accommodate your needs while you are attending the retreat.
No Fee for registration, Donation is grateful appreciated
For more information about Donation, please email direct to the master at thichminhngoc@yahoo.com
Thank you so much for your support🙏
Guidelines for retreat participants:
For the benefits of everyone, from now on, all participants participating in the meditation retreat,
resident and non-resident, as well as monks and nuns at Tu An Thien Duong must strictly comply with
the following regulations:
FIRST. When investigating meditation using the Huatou method continuously, the Zen precept is being
practiced. In addition to the time of meditation, participants must strictly uphold the precepts which
already have been taken. Those who have not received any precepts should at least keep the five
precepts. It is even better to request taking the three refuges and five precepts while attending the
SECOND. No talking during sitting and walking meditation periods and listening to Dharma talks.
THIRD. To help maintain a peaceful and harmonious environment, do not criticize others, do not use
harmful words, and do not gather to discuss worldly matters. If necessary, speak softly and moderately
at a minimum.
FOURTH. Do not smoke or drink alcohol; do not watch TV, News nor listen to radio or music.
FIFTH. Try the best to save electricity, water, and gas. Use the phone as little as possible.
SIXTH. Turn off all lights and keep quiet after 10pm.
We appreciate your cooperation!
Tu An Zen Temple
Venerable Master Thich Duy Luc
-Tu An Zen Temple-